Daily Thoughts Following Christ

We love to share other ministries through out network. That's one of the beautiful things about the body of Christ on line. We are all members of one body whom Christ is the head of.

It doesn't matter what state we individually live in or what country. As Christian's, as born again believers, we are all brothers, and sisters in the Lord. We are called to be one happy family in Christ. We are called to love one another, encourage one another and bless others to the Glory of God.

Personally, I consider it a privilege to share other ministry sites and links with our readers. You see, it's not all about us, but you, our readers. Providing quality sites and ministry links to ministries of integrity is a humble privilege before God. We don't have to do it, we get the privilege to do it!

Just think if the body of Christ would be more open to networking on line. Just think if that individual, me, myself and I, attitude was replaced with brotherly love, with a heart and desire to see others excel. Now that would give Glory to God, and bless the heart of God.

The following link comes from Pastor Rob Singleton who is the founder and lead Pastor of Southbrook Community Church outside of Charlotte North Carolina. Stop by and visit Pastor Rob's site. You will be blessed.

Daily Thoughts Of A Christ Follower