Sharing Fellowship With Others

Tonight, we attended Saturday evening services again as we do each and every Saturday eveing. What a blessing it is after a long week to gather together with others in Christ and worship the Lord. Our worship service was for just over an hour. Our Pastor's daughter led worship tonight with her mother on the keyboards. She did a wonderful job leading the congregation in worship. It was such a blessing to see her and her mother both on the platform as worship unfolded.

Our Pastor spoke on faith, worship, and overcoming impossible odds through faith, in trust and through worship and prayer. The evening ended with ministry time as many came forward to receive prayer and just receive from the presence of the Lord. What a awesome sight to see as so many came forward to simply experience all that God had for them during ministry time. Many were deeply touched by the Spirit.

The best part in all this is again tomorrow we gather for two more services, one at 9AM and a second service at 11AM. I just want to encourage you that if you haven't attended services lately, to attend and share fellowship with others in Christ. You will be blessed.

Blessings, and have a blessed Sunday in Jesus.