Apostle Prophet

Are you into the prophetic ministry, and the apostolic anointing. Here is a really cool ministry to check out. I have enjoyed the writings, teachings and also reading the many prophecies. Thought I'd share it with our readers.

Junior Desouza Ministries

Blessings, in the Spirit of Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

Free Christian Blogs

Many years ago I met a wonderful brother in the Lord online. He assisted me with my first forum, hosted the ministry forum and was simply a blessing. A few months ago I found his ministry again online with some wonderful new additions. So I wanted to share them with you.

Here is one of our blogs through his ministry http://inhisgloriousnameministries.e4god.com/blogs/

Check it out and then visit http://www.e4god.com/

In His Glorious Name Ministries

Redeeming Passion That Heals Broken Hearts

Our Redeeming Passion

Why the title Our Redeeming Passion. It came to me as I was reading a web site that honored and glorified the "we". We this, we that, we, we, we, and more we's. Like, we are just so darn cool. You know those web sites that make short men feel tall, and insecure ladies glow. Those sites where faces and pictures are placed all over them to Glorify the "us" and "we's" with the overlay to the Glory of God.

We this, we that, we, we, we. So very disappointing. I truly expected greater things.

Redeeming Passion

His Redeeming Passion is a passion that redeems and transforms us. His Redeeming Passion is full of love, grace, mercy, hope and promises. His Redeeming Passion is God's gift to the world. Jesus is the Redeemer, the Rock of our salvation, the way, the truth and the life. And in Him is the promise of eternal life.

May the world experience His Redeeming Passion.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

If Only Mankind Would

If only mankind would love with the love of Christ. If only mankind would extend the mercy and compassion that Christ so freely has shown. If only God's love was the love that mankind extended one to another. Love has waxed cold. Among the nations, among the peoples, and even within the churches. Greed, selfishness, money, wealth, materialsm, power, pride, and seeds that are fruitless have risen among the nations and among the peoples. Seeds that produce ungodly fruit. If only.