Feeding The Homeless

At the church we attend, I have watched the homeless outreach grow leaps and bounds over the years. I remember when it was simply two lockers, a table and some can food. Today around 150 families come each week to get food. There are two huge refrigeration units, Ilse of foods of all kinds and about 20,000 square feet set aside for outreach. It's amazing to see the love that pours through the homeless, food and food warehouse at our church.
It's also amazing to see what the new director is doing and all the changes that have come forth. The love, dedication and handwork that is being poured into and through the homeless outreach is amazing. People are being blessed, getting much needed food and are being ministered to and God gets all the Glory.
There are blessings overflowing when we reach out and help others in need.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online